Solaz Los Cabos
Corredor Turistico s/n Km. 18.5, Cabo Real, San Jose del Cabo, Outside US
Ad #100301939
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This advertisement’s accuracy has been verified by SellMyTimeshareNow through ownership documents (such as a deed or purchase agreement) provided by the seller at the time this Ad was created in the SMTN marketplace. After signing a contract, we recommend using Timeshare Closing Services to confirm details of the property and ownership before closing.

*RCI Gold Crown Resort* Featuring a finely appointed 1 bedroom, 2 bath Master suite that will accommodate 6 guests comfortably. Usage is annual in a floating, red season week. RTU in perpetuity. Maintenance fees are paid every year. For more information or to make an offer, please submit the inquiry form.

Ownership Right to Use
Usage Type Floating
Weeks 1-52
Usage Frequency Annual
Maintenance Fees $1,260
Season Red
Bedrooms Master Suite
Baths 2
Sleeps 6
View Ocean
Unit #
Affiliation RCI
Ownership Right to Use
Usage Type Floating
Weeks 1-52
Usage Frequency Annual
Maintenance Fees $1,260
Season Red
Bedrooms Master Suite
Baths 2
Sleeps 6
Affiliation RCI
array(1) { [0]=> string(3) "RCI" }
Unit #
View Ocean
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About Solaz Los Cabos

*Solaz Los Cabos* is situated in a privileged location, standing at the junction of Baja California Sur's golden semidesert landscape and the turquoise waters of the Sea of Cortez. The resort has a spa center, a private beach area, and a stunning infinity pool. Guests can play tennis, enjoy exclusive drinks available at the pool bar, workout in the state-of-the-art fitness center and more. Please visit to discover more.

*RCI Gold Crown Resort* Featuring a finely appointed 1 bedroom, 2 bath Master suite that will accommodate 6 guests comfortably. Usage is annual in a floating, red season week. RTU in perpetuity. Maintenance fees are paid every year. For more information or to make an offer, please submit the inquiry form.

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