- Get quick cash for a timeshare unit you're unable to use. Don't let your Shell timeshare go to waste if your hectic schedule won't allow you the time off. Make sure it still gets the use it deserves by renting it out to interested travelers.
- Cover maintenance fees. You can use the money you make from renting your Shell timeshare towards paying off your annual maintenance fees or any other associated membership dues.
- Choose the right renter for you. Throughout the entire renting process, you get to decide how much to advertise your timeshare for, how to negotiate, and which rental offer to take. Since it is still under your ownership and therefore your responsibility, you want to select a caring renter that you feel is responsible.
Don't feel pressured to squeeze in a week at your timeshare if your stressful daily schedule won't allow for it. When you rent Shell timeshare, you still have peace of mind knowing that it isn't vacant all week long, while also earning some extra money in the process. With the cost commitment of a timeshare, owners feel as though they need to consistently use their unit every year in order to get their full money's worth. But this doesn't have to be the case when you have the option of renting it out to numerous travelers in need of luxurious accommodations.
If you'd like to say goodbye to your Shell timeshare altogether, we can also help you sell your SVC timeshare on the resale market.