By this day and age, we are all generally aware of timeshare promotions and have different words we might associate with said promotions, including:
Regardless of what you’ve heard or experienced in a timeshare presentation, it’s generally not positive. But maybe you haven’t sat through a timeshare presentation and are considering vacation ownership? We’re here to give you all the in’s and out’s of what timeshare promotions are really about and want to give you some tips for surviving one if you are ever enticed to participate.
Resorts and timeshare salesmen are notorious for offering freebies like tickets, free weekends away, or even kitchen appliances to get people to sit in on these presentations. Generally they make it sound like a casual, short presentation with “no pressure to buy,” and you get your freebie and walk away unscathed.
Not true.
A timeshare presentation can last anywhere from 90 minutes to several hours depending on the resort or the person hosting the presentation. While you will still get whatever free item you were promised, you’re not going to get it easy.
The pushy timeshare sales people will start out trying to be your friend, get to know you, even sympathize with you. Their goal is to get you to buy a timeshare right on the spot. And they don’t want to let you go until that sale has been made and they walk away with a hefty commission.
But the truth is, you can make it through one of these presentations if you think the freebie is worth the the time wasted and high-pressure pitch. Here are some tips to get you through any timeshare presentation.
Additionally, if you are interested in a timeshare property, consider the resale market. Sitting through a timeshare presentation is completely unnecessary when you have online marketplaces to shop such as Resort-offered timeshares come with large sales commissions, high interest rates, and dozens of hidden fees that they will never tell you about.
On the resale market, you’ll find lower, much more affordable prices advertised at up to 70% what the developers charge. Shop on your own time, from the comfort of your home, with no high-pressure pitches to sit through—only huge savings! Browse our inventory of timeshares for sale today, or call us at 1-877-815-4227 for expert advice and assistance.